Alma Novaes


Haides & Perséfone

The earth will revolve 
Herself Just like puppies 
bite its own tail, 
to be taken by fire, 
in pyrotechnic flames, 
washed away
by the heavy waters 
and dark and the planet 
Turn inside out 
I'll be waiting for you, 
as always, 
That is how it has been

That the love I have 
for you manifests 
the splendour 
from all the deluges
and incinerations, 
of landslides 
and altercations 
You'll see me always, 
always in the same place
where you left me 
With the same love
that I devoted to you 
from the pyramids 
of Egypt to the 
Andean mountain range,
where we walk you 
and I, from the ground
of Bethelhem to the 
flows of the Apurímac 
River in other timelines.

You'll be amazed because 
In my world nothing
has changed after your departure, 
Not a comma, not a leaf,
not a star moved 
The heavens will open 
The Milky Way 
You'll find me 
in the same place 
you left without looking back. 
I keep my eyes 
on the sky 
With love for you 
in the open 
I have been waiting 
for you for many lifetimes. 
I shall continue to do so 
Mayan Veil None 
Will hide you from my eyes


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