Alma Novaes
It was all or nothing and
was ready for collection
The middle ground is only good
for those who hide something,
For those who simulate
their whole lives
A rotten, shallow,
satin-skinned apple!
And in a vortex of attachment
Accept the crumb, the halfway,
that from love, I want the world
and that's how I feel in everything!
There are no grocers or socks
nor eat what I don't like anymore;
I'm going to go for life
I give myself whole and inside out
But it's not just heartbreak,
Vanity descended upon me
of myself, of the value
I want reciprocity
with me it will be the universe,
Not just a city street
Not just January or August
I'm tired of this heartbreak of mine
I've still got blood in my veins
I still want you and I love you
But I've never been a warehouse
Go, if you have to go,
and if it's so late,
I'll know how to find it,
without making a fuss
That whole part
that rightfully belongs to me
Because I've never been half!
In Aborígene