Matza Di Lourde


Reign of patience or faith in the new

Don't let our patience

Leave her alone in rest

As if in Vinha d'Alhos I could

Reach the point of non-collapse

that this idea of inventing new 

forms of democracy, 

his form of simulation, 

is an old thing that smells new.

And we, who have been training 

self-control for a hundred years, 

in the face of ineffectiveness, 

see ourselves only as impulses 

and impulses to strangle 

all solemn hypocrisy.

I've already told you, 

don't mess with it, 

don't bully it, don't touch it, 

in the age of the tansos and 

and pots, wedges and ravings

He will prove the same as we do

that we've been teaching 

you little ways for decades

and perlimpimpim powders

And in the end, it falls apart

in the face of new beliefs, 

wedges and cockles.


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