Alma Novaes


Emotional redundancy

Without ever hiding you from me and
Allowing me the inner voice
I describe my gift,
I punctuate the past of the past,
And I find you in self,In that look, 
love of heaven,
Only on the slymy saved portrait and,
when you shake your head,
rejecting the name that is mine,
That you repeat inside of you
what debates with you, 
endorsed love,
when in you and for others
You deny me a thousand times,
my fado materializes,
And it's always inside that I feel you
I don't count the distance that
plays against us, nor the setbacks,
And in the window of your eyes,
Leaning between your perspective
and the marigolds,
of a you want and you don't want, 
From a you can and you can't,
That you want me adrift, 
They see you lie, and you play with us 
in the dangerous game of life, 
hiding feelings, what you really feel
to omit, yes, to deny the existence 
that bursts in your chest, 
that artery of lovethat your self is set on fire,
That it's not just now, 
And just like before, intransigence, 
foreign war and urgency, 
you hold on, you hang on to stubbornness,
And the night covers your plans
And pushes your fantasies and youpostpone 
and postpone transparency
From still loving me, hide-it
Between the stones of the basalt wall, 
hide it in the bosom of the highest hill, 
to a corner of dreamlike earth, 
struggling to breathe, deny and defend
and you omit to lie to others and to yourself, 
because perhaps you would like not to feel, 
you reject emotion and choose an empirical basis,
Would you like, by denying me,
That it wouldn't be lying
that it should be called something else, 
and, postponing it, more clumsy becomes
When, in the mirror of the soul, 
you look at yourself, you analyze yourself, 
you spy on yourself, you get closer, 
you force yourself to the trap of lies,
to the abolition of what is true and real 
that love guards and hides, after all, 
love is, of all conclusions, 
the one in which you excuse yourself from flowing,
at the limit, personal confrontation 
and only him, my love, 
when you grow up when you hide, when you guard, 
When you shake and deny,
This love, my love,
It's the crux of the issue you want to erase from you,
from the sight of others, from the battles of others,
of me, of this one who guards you and sees you in the
Conjuncture of the Invisible 
And i know you from the inside, 
like a river, like a branch, like a source
generous, like a restrained heat,
In this brief time 
Where do I write the now!
Now, two clients, the pendants, 
the silent and dark night and the lives of others, 
in the others that pass, that lingers!
Hangs the moon in the pitch black of night
that people pass by, lightly, only I don't pass, 
only my tenderness for you remains, 
it endures in the eternity of all tomorrows. 
And when you wake up, again
My name is Clarity in the Room,
Glimmer of light, truth 
And you go back to cover your head
'Til my name is gone,
let it be forgotten,
around you, at work, 
On the return of the dew, 
in the rush to heal the wound. 
As long as you resist, persist
My name is written,On the walls of your body
grows in the windows of the eyes,
go in and sweep up the trash 
you've been keeping in your cupboards, 
it is not of bows or preparations, 
it breaks up your rooms 
and sit down in your room,
ask yourself about yourself,
Ask yourself about the compositions, 
of the stumbling blocks and the pains, 
of emotions and retardation
And on your shoulder, doubt arises,
if you hid well, if you dismantled the affections
so that no one notices
that there is not a single point left 
to denounce that I have remained in you 
reciprocally, and that it is not noticed
That you continue to populate me, 
afflicted with dreams and struggles
May it eventually lead to death itself, 
but not now that the fire is lit, 
especially while you declare dead what is alive


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