Like time, altruism is an expansive word, subject to the subject's circumstances, whether external or internal.

We can spend a lifetime believing that time can be spent ad hoc, because of its apparent infinity, we can also live a lifetime believing that we are all altruistic. It's not that you can deny one or the other. They may be absolutely true for each of us or they may be false entirely. The choice is always ours. That's when we're adults. When we are born, we forget the script, being reminded of it as we get on our way. It's not all up to us. Hence, the importance of caring for minors. Hence the necessary caution with the early years. Father, mother, close adults, teachers, guardians, relatives and relatives of affinity, domestic animals, nature and pedagogy, in a concerted convergence to the well-being of the minor. Everything becomes too important and, increasingly, absolutely urgent in the task of educating a future adult. The baby is still in the mother's womb and already suffers vicissitudes that condition its development. It's not just me who knows this, it's the experts in human child development. Just like nature, care and preparation must begin in the psychological sphere of those who are going to have a child. And due to the immense constraints that we know, everything can be skewed from the outset. Love is the noblest value of all. And the most necessary. A baby raised without love is a sick adult. The practice of our mothers, of the immense school that we enjoy in academic terms and, so often, in experiential terms, does not even leave us in doubt of this factor. Love heals, and the lack of it sickens us. Balance has to be prevalent and daily, even if the constraints want to be imposed. The supreme good of the minor must be safeguarded. 

We live in a society sickened by the lack of values, by their inversion, by confusion and ignorance and by the scarcity of structures. Adolescent pregnancy is a weighty reference to the study of love from the womb. Your balance or lack thereof during the process. We have heard that the unborn baby already appreciates music, already distinguishes the voice of those around the mother and yes, recognizes the mother as the shelter of protection, the shelter, the shelter, the capsule that contains it. The baby also hears violence, when it is oral, he also feels the mother's pain, when she is a victim of abuse, he also feels the disease and the malaise.  There is the umbilical cord which, in addition to the substances that satisfy needs and the amniotic fluid, facilitates the conduction of neurotransmitters that make the baby feel good, welcomed and structured within its maternal pouch. Thus, it would be wrong to think that the baby can only enjoy anything, bad or good, after birth. There are also other older beliefs that prevail - they would be surprised to know that they prevail more than you imagine - that the baby born does not even know the environment, until he knows how to babble and talk, crawl or walk, express or express. These are deep-seated beliefs. And wrong. Because the baby feels, more than he sees, more than he expresses, more than he is capable of doing. In the 21st century, with so much history behind us, with so much information surrounding us, and yet we continue to nurture beliefs that, by the mere fact of existing, continue to produce alarming consequences for the global set of generations. Think with me, if mistakes occur soon, even before we are born, they increase considerably after we are here, after we grow up and become adults. There are many adult children, who have remained in a stolen childhood. I say stolen because that is the feeling that remains when we realize that it would be enough for us to observe, while helping in the growth of minors, to realize the mistakes, and the result of them, in the psychological and emotional pain that exists, far beyond the of the visible. Pain hides, pain is ashamed, pain feels guilty and does not manifest itself, it tries to run over itself to fit into our expectations and those of others, it tries to run over itself so that we do not suffer from the contingencies of its existence. What we do is take away the voice of that pain. Without even thinking that we are postponing it for its growth and, so often, for its chronicity. And these adult children live a chronic and sick childhood, trying to satisfy themselves, of what was stolen and/or denied to them in the early stages, in the early years. And it doesn't end here and continues. Because these adult children are also immature parents, they are also unprepared and vulnerable parents, unable to find the balance they did not have. Parents who have suffered hunger are excessive in feeding their children, parents who have been deprived of love are cold, Calculating and manipulative, parents who have been victims of sexual abuse and others, are themselves abusers, even if this is analysed on a macro level. The point is that evils are not eradicated by knowledge of them, but by our perception of that knowledge. It is important and vital that we change the way we have child responsibility to a more inclusive community form, where no mother, no father, no child is a victim of themselves, their ignorance or lack of means. The community must step in and fill the gaps. We are all human, imperfect, immature, incomplete. Until we reach the consciousness of the self. When we reach the fullness of being, we can help in emotional and physical management, through our experience and knowledge, through our availability and a lot through the responsibility we have towards the whole, when we know all the consequences that come from the lack of this preparation for minors. Time plays against us if we dare to refuse to see or maintain the structural circumstances we have today. Adults are, more than what they carry within themselves, also the result of the environment they inhabit. Of course it matters. Of course it makes a difference. Of course we have to be responsible in this structure. The initial one is the most compromising of the subject and the collective. We risk entire generations, based on the same mistakes. And we have a history that does not allow us to pretend not to see, to pretend not to know the results of carelessness, unpreparedness, litigation and, ultimately, deprivation. I believe it is time for convergent and comprehensive social dialogues (and we are always late for previous generations, and we are always in time for later ones). It is there, in early childhood, that deviations and human suffering begin, which can and should be avoided. We all bring high purposes. The question is, is society aware of this? If not, it is urgent to show and lead. May we not lack conscience or will. Let us be demanding of the fabric of the next society in which we live. Today it will be us who make mistakes, tomorrow it will be our children, then our grandchildren. Nor should we venture to speak of progress without this fundamental organ. Pedagogy is the foundation of any society. We have to abandon our academic stances and work on the pursuit of concrete goals outlined by the whole. Social Dialogue. Think about the social majority. We cannot continue to do the same thing when we want different results. The journey is personal, but the goal must be social and comprehensive, inclusive and practical. Let us attain the wisdom of progress at this level and we will be honoring the family values of our ancestors who tore the world apart long before and suffered atrocious violence. If we have the resources and the history, let's change the paths with more awareness and some glory, why not?


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