The symbols are hieroglyphics with history, or chairs where knowledge is sat and accumulates centuries and, if it does not change, it is said to be contemporary and even lifelong. There are unalterable symbols, which we do not need to defend. Because its reading is understood and extended over the centuries and crosses linguistic and ethnic boundaries and an endless number of prejudices and stigmas.

That we humans are good at this. To perpetuate beliefs and disagreements, but also on the contrary, to find hegemony in our positive differences. We humans, again. The symbol of the serpent remained forever, hanging on top of pharmacies, with ephe and with pê and aga. The cup remains the cure for the snake's venom. And the pharmaceutical companies, so involved in curing diseases, have reversed the poles because they have found a profitable business in the disease and less profitable in the cure. And with that, science won anyway, but the losers were all of us, the humans who built science and who, because we changed the pole and invested in the business, we stopped being healthy. To have an illness divided into gentle monthly payments, a well postponed, if it depends on the laboratories, forever. Because, you see, the minority, which is the owner of the pharmacy, associated with the laboratories that are the owners of the products and chemical compositions, decided that they had to make the lack of health profitable. And since the whole of society has as its principle the pole of enrichment, health has ceased to be profitable and has become something to be bought and illusory. And you want to see it, it worked! The health area, which had a clear idea of achieving the improvement of the individual in this aspect, decided that the disease could be tolerated, as long as there was a way to make it tolerable and, even so, beneficial for this minority. Now, do the math. There are many pharmacies, many laboratories, many vaccines, many antidepressants, many people involved in the business of maintaining the disease. After all, everything else goes hand in hand to spoil health. Fast and light eating, misconceptions, low self-esteem, the concept of employment is itself a disease, because it is associated with something safe. The gadgets and the arrest for possessing them. But why the hell do we want a secure job? To make sure we have money to pay the bills for the pharmacy, the house, the boat, the motorbike, the course, the holidays, of the billboard that finances our life, food, pleasure and that hurries our fears, that provokes our anxieties, leads us to a depressive state, to the failure of expectations, which are mine of me, and mine of others about me and that of others about them, and it is that highway that leads us to the pharmacy. Hence the pharmacy resists stoically, even though some drugs are labeled red and have to be put off the market because they produce these and those other secondary risks, those and other reactionary effects on an organism that is still human. Even with the threats of control over prescriptions and sick leave and excess chemicals per patient and self-medication, which are worse than self-help books, much worse. And we add, from the least evil and we build the beliefs so that one day, our descendants, in a straight line, will have to dismantle, because they are useless, because we lead them to less beneficial states in a broad and general and specific and temporal sense. We get to the symbols, and it's best to study them. The symbol of psychology is that of the butterfly in transformation, the science of the mind, but the symbol is confused with the symbol of Neptune, the god of seas and storms. Curious, isn't it? And no one believes in psychology as a science. And even less so in astrology and astronomy. But there is proof that psychology is a science. That it should not be seen as an exercise of only one class, because if psychology is a science, it is also a working instrument that serves to better know yourself and by knowing yourself, you know others. In others we see our reflection. And the greatest wealth is to know ourselves. From this comes popular wisdom that also corresponds to the branch of another less specific and more general science, which is medicine. You want to know your body, kill your pig. But why on earth would you kill a pig in the twenty-first century when there are so many maps of the body, in whatever terms, bone, organic, biological, structural? Why do we continue to be inconsistent with regard to the animals for which we are responsible and to exterminate breeds of animals because of our excesses? And the excesses also mess with the stars in the sky, not only with those down here. Aerodynamics can sharpen it and prove it every day. Quantum physics is the same. But our physical immortality will be designed by whoever has the most metal. Always the excesses. Psychology can only cease to be academic, as well as the other sciences, when we allow its use as a current and utilitarian tool in our daily lives. The world is big, but not excessive. Yes, we are excessive in the little and in the much, in the good and in the bad. And even in the so-so and moderate ones. Those of us who were designed to be good will always be more or less because we exceed in apathy and self-indulgence, in the lack of contestation and conformism. We are excessive beings. But we are not merely symbolic. Let's not be so academic. If it is to structure something that will add to it, let us have the strength and courage to debate it, to test it, to mesh it and be willing to be challenged and to explain why we think this way or that, why we choose here or there. The arms have been crossed for centuries. It's too much time to change and consolidate. 

And we have another curious and very clever and ineffectual symbol, to say the least, of its effects. And if we know cases in which it happens, the so-called justice, we will always turn to cartoons and caricatures because the opposite is more frequent and blatant. Justice and law have the symbol of the scales and their equitable plates, which, from equitable, are only in symbol, but it has always been with cakes that fools have been deceived. Which is to say that we all believe in the meaning of what is right, what is just, that everyone has the right to judge their actions until proven otherwise. Courts are ruled by men. Togas are a uniform that can command respect, fear, among other things. It is good to have respect, but fear only serves to lose respect and want to escape authority and conformism to authority. Fines are the immediate condemnatory acts so that we do not need courts or trials, but they work in the opposite direction to their function, which is to prevent and not to abuse. Neither on one side nor on the other. It is the excess of the limit that makes the right go astray, that becomes crooked. It is the excess of power that leads us to injustice, to the production of false evidence, to mask situations that are completely untrue. On one side and on the other. And who compensates for the sides of the scale? Uniforms also have a symbology based on hierarchical respect and authoritarian respect. Dictators use it and abuse it. We all know. But dictatorships, too, have less repressive symbols, as a way of conquering those who sleep, of establishing themselves and tearing up beliefs that, by themselves, do not bode well in favor of the dictator. In this century, even dictators are more vocal and tolerant. But don't be fooled. These modal populisms gain expression in ignorance and laziness in thinking about the future. Our lack of coherence is excessive, our collective laziness in facing what we stand for, in intervening in the social sphere, is excessively meagre. Those who intervene end up with a pot in the assembly, with a pot in the chamber, and allow themselves to be bought by the system. The system is the same everywhere. Make groups uniform and controlled. This is the stratagem, counting on our silence as consent, on our apathy for laziness and incapacity, on fear in exchange for the security that exists in jails and asylums. We know we are excessively cowardly. Empathy is the science of feeling what the other feels, how the other lives, what way we have to help the other so that they do not get sick, and empathy is not excessive. In this science, this is the correctness. Knowing that there are few of us who use it, willing to face fears and laziness to change and promote change. Will we be excessively weak? Are we atavistic in humanity? Will we be too atavistic to save the next decade? Symbols are powerful, for better and for worse. The good doesn't worry me. As long as there is one, let it be preserved. We will all always want to rest, on a beach and suck an ice cream at sunset, to dance, to eat and to live with dignity, even though slavery never made anyone happy. We did not come into the world to work in areas contrary to our passions, nor to be slaves to systems, nor to be consequences of widespread inhumanity. It will be the time of intellectual and active maturity, the harvest season and the right time to raise the right questions, so that disagreements and agreements arise. It will be time to debate the efficacy and fallacy of the system and how these conclusions are woven into the theatre of life's operations. It is time to review the symbols, to remake history, to open the vault of humanity before it is too late for those who are being born now, whom we insist on bringing into the world, accepting societies and mentalities in a mechanical progress that I call retrogression. We are not robots, but we are doomed to imitate them, if this is the saga. Nothing will ever hurt them, neither the lack of freedom, nor the absence of fraternity, nor the inequality of the system. Death will replace them. Like, for that matter, us. That everything hurts us. Especially inhumanity, when it strikes us. And we have no voice, no tools, no symbols to defend us. And that makes all the difference.   


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