Alma Novaes


Hekate * Neptunus

The mind boiled, 


All the holy night. 

Neptune was in dialogue 

and offered me, 

under the yoke of creativity, 

abundant, fruitful 

Expansion and clarity 

that allowed me to foresee, 


My Fusion 

on another level, 

The Torn Veils 

of our ignorance. 

Whenever I get close to him, 


go angry or grumpy, 

or thirsty for solutions, 

and response

To my endless 


He welcomes me 

attentive and solicitous, 

Hold me and kiss me, 


to my physical anxiety. 

This is how God works.  

Childhood is the state 

of our child, 

of purity and voluntariness 

What we dare to do 

we to be. 

And that's all 

we came here to do, 


child gods, 

without subterfuge, 

Between hells 

and its consequences 


and the sky of our dreams. 

Simplicity is the landmark, 

the ladder, the tool, 

The Sweet Yeast 

of the encounter with him. 

And this one he who 

make the meeting a party, 

Call me chicks, 

the diminutive of chata, 

On a date always 

available and affable, 

And he adds that I'm stubborn, 

that this is 

my worst quality 

and that to please him, 

I just need to remove the excess, 

the quantity of that quality 

And I'll be perfect,

In my human imperfection

And I get it and I work 

in me for progress, 

On which I'll paint a rose 

as a signature of this digital age. 

And before you leave by his side, 

add me softly, 

Before you give me a kiss, 

paints, graphite and prints, 

creates, recreates and expresses 

the love you feel for me, 

that in this merging of us, 

You're whole without reservation 

And that there's no other way 

to have access to me. 

Only authentic and unreserved love 

Leads to the supreme encounter

with me, in me, and that even

let them close the door on you, 

Draw windows. 

It paints love on the canvases. 

Use watercolors 

and don't forget the lizards, 

of butterflies, 

Don't forget the flowers 

and the birds, 

Reinvents a form 

to fish for souls. 

And I'm obedient 

I leave stubbornness hanging

and, before abandoning 

God's window,

I see you

Love of other lives

Break into my house

You bring, instead of roses

two plastic bundles 

Transparent, in the hands

one of dreams and the other

of soft eggs

Far from what I idealized

and much more 

What I dared to dream of

You bring a smile in your eyes

Your heart on its knees

you kiss my eyes,

sweet fascination,

Passion with no cure and no drifts

And in the blue sky drawing

a handkerchief made of cloud,

And I see myself falling asleep

You in the room, I in you

And a candle lights in eternity

And then you reveal yourself

You confess

You expand

My love, you are the sun

Mars and Joy

the exponent of love,

vertigo and fantasy,

And I was going to get the kiss 

In this dawn when, 

From the dream I went to the nightmare

that prevents me from

make you concrete, 

Oh so it was a dream

And I went back to sleep and 

I've tried to capture you yet

Of the eyes tired from so much staring

And I don't see you, I'm born

fears, when awake,

I sacrifice myself in anguish

for what it will be,

and in tribute,

Requiem of courage,

I leave a yellow rose.

And how I surrender

In all that I am

I decided to confess to you

Where I've been tonight

I just won't tell you who brought you

But you know.

Venus was there, 

in everything I said or did,

I ,Your Child Empress

For what's to come

And it will have to be.


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