Social Frames


She didn't know anyone in that land. When she got there. Nothing, no one. Only the one who was now her husband. You didn't remember why you had risked everything for that guy, or did you? As a good Capricorn that she was, with a Taurus backing, she knew she wanted more than what was in her land! And there, in her natural habitat, not even the lady of agony gave her a taste of water. And the saints at the door never performed any miracles. He was married, but he had left his wife to be with her. So, changing scenery, going to live close to his family wouldn't be so bad, she felt like she was a kind of foreigner, a modern woman, appearance counted a lot, in her mind, yes, society mediated us by appearance and she really looked like a foreigner. She married him and it was all so beautiful. His daughter was almost his age. And it was perfect. He was both handsome and weak, but these calculations were only made at home, what mattered was the appearance, the excellence of the outfit, and in the general opinion, he was a weak and good man. The job wasn't perfect, but the house was. And it was, thanks in large part to her insistence in telling him that a rented house was not with anything, that she wanted a decent house, one of those that would be the envy of the society of that terrible land. And she realized that he was weak. Very weak. At all. Especially with the drink. She groped his wrists and saw that behind that weak man was a great woman. She. She was very frivolous, she had to admit, and so much of a liar that she began to believe her own lies. And hunger had been joined with the desire to eat. And it was okay, as long as these ugly truths stayed at home, as long as the stain didn't penetrate the social and family gaze, what to do? No one is born perfect. He had never told her he was perfect. Backwards,  he had confessed to her that he was weak, and she knew that yes, he was. And it was okay. With that she could. 

The "foreigner" lived in the now, it was everything now, now and many friends, friends and many media and braggadocio and lies. It was all hands-on. Envy was her counselor, and covetousness, along with laziness, was her maids. When the problems came, let's say that they kept her up at night for two or three nights, no more, that out of his hat, he always pulled rabbits, or went into the hat of others, without them knowing, of course. When she started having cases, she said at home, oh thing, I'm going to help a friend, who you know, she needs me, tomorrow I'll be back, you don't worry and eat in the canteen, oh, no, you can't, look at the boy, bring food from the canteen for you and the boy. You want to check your phone to see if it's really this Tomorrow we'll talk or something. And he said yes. Because he was weak. Drinking made him weak. It's soft. And somehow, whenever she went to her friends, she came full of gifts and money, as if she had gone to the Bolhão fair. Which is now market. But I used to say that the husband was weak and soft, but not stupid! There he had gotten a municipal job, he was no more than a clerk, but it was safe, so wasn't that what a man could want? And when her problems hurt and her friends didn't console her, from the married to the widowed, she went round and round and turned her head and figured out how to get the job done. And she said to her husband, "Oh son, let's do it this way, we got divorced, but it's only for legal purposes, that no one comes to me to take the house away from me!" And the rabbit came out of the hat, all laid, held on to the house, divorced yes, but only with a façade, pretty face, more buy here and buy there, you know I need to change my clothes, I'm not used to always wearing the same clothes, and shoes and wallets and a bunch of accessories, look, work if you want, we're already divorced, or I'll have to go back to my parents' house. Levity was a daily accessory, a quaint mask in which the people believed! And it goes from this, that man did not even know what he was going to do with his life! And many accessories later, the Saturn must have fallen down her horns, and she told her husband that she wanted to work, but it couldn't be anywhere, no, it had to be a place where there were doctors and that, where the bread was mixed with the chorizo, where she could covet what was not hers. And she went into the beautiful service, which was where people dressed well, went out the door of the big house, to that small town, to work with the children, one day the teacher would still arrive, Why not? And bought a new car. And there it was all arranged, with a six-month contract, not bad, until the date expired. Then, more sleepless nights came, I had to figure out how to invent another rabbit in the hat, because it didn't go on and it didn't take long, I would have to go to my parents to ask for alms! That's not it! that his mother's cries would be born, That she was foolish, that she daydreamed, that she sold the house, the furniture, whatever she wanted, but life wasn't all about partying! And don't feel sorry for the poor husband, who was a cuckold and didn't know the truth, you are wrong that he knew that this was the perfect way to get the meat from the butcher to the house, and she did everything for the family!

One of the employees of her quaint work, who was very esteemed, and who for this reason, certainly for this, because she thought it was pedantic, so, as if it were her mirror, there she found the way to end her job and goes from there, projected her "unintentionally" under the stairs, and broke her knee! Ugh, her mind would be, by the magic of the top hat, the foreigner multiplied the rabbits! The poor sick woman was the one who had stayed at home convalescing and of course, when her contract was expiring, no one else would come looking for it, she would be perfect for the replacement. And so it was! And God exists, and the sacrilege of hypocrisy had a name, which the foreigner even said, to those who wanted to hear that the angels were her friends, that feathers and feathers fell on the ground and down her legs and above, she said. And the days added up like someone who adds up bills to multiply, that she was good at finances, for wine it would not go marital money. Except for her bottles of sparkling wine that she told everyone to drink in bed, always alone. And age came, came slowly and even deceived her, that after all, it would take a long time, and she had so many plans and they all smelled of greed and ease. I've never seen her fall apart, say ah, poor me, no, and even less so poor things around me. It was all fantasy, life, dilemmas, the top hat, the husband pintarolas and two fingers of prose. He was eliminating friends who knew the play closely. And it was all right. If it weren't for fucking karma, I would still have to brush against the scabies, I mean, the top hat, to get rid of the asthma I felt when the finances were at their worst. 

Let a doctor be made of here, by charter of the Relvas and who will serve as a conduit for the high social circle. And it wasn't bad at all. If it were all a bacchanal. One day the top hat becomes small, the skirt tight or worn out and the symphony, the stewardship, the Carnival ends. The disposition is to be found in every part of the social, structural and enormous fabric of the holy Society of hypocrites. But children, what matters is not to be, but to seem. And they look so good, don't they? Be careful, you won't find twins who project you with a door and end up in the state house! Dear taxpayers and the like, not top hats, but Vasco Santana already said: There are many hats!


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