Sobre acordes e estrofes. Sobre pessoas e coisas. Sobre olhares e paixões. Sobre letras e música. Sobre rios e mares. Sobre dentro e fora. Sobre atalhos e viagens. Sobre planetas e casas. Sobre a vida e o avesso. Sobre o silêncio das moitas. Sobre os desígnios do amor.
There has been considerable worldwide interest in Buddhism in Tibet. However, the fact that Tibetan Buddhism, its deities and mandalas, were all developed in the Indian University of Nalanda, is not known to many.
In this film, His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaks extensively about the philosophic roots of Tibetan Buddhism. He also speaks about how Tibetan culture, including the script and grammar of their language, comes from India. The film also has extensive interviews with the leading Tibetan experts.Script, Camera and Direction by world-renowned Buddhist expert Benoy K Behl.