Laura de Jesus


A Bê à Bá 

to fight superficiality

Kitten and babble the child 
little girl who still doesn't speak, 
discovering the world, the color, 
the smell, taste, and tongue of each object
And when he grows up and walks,
The proud and astute adult, 
already understands and shuts up!
Who doesn't like children
As long as they're innocent 
and cruel, because 
They don't know the proportions 
to keep or report,
they are conditional copies,
adult puppets,
these other cunning ones.
When they grow, they reveal themselves
in acts, much more than 
Than in the words, in the mirror 
of the congeners
skilled in modeling,
Copying, wise,

while crawling and wandering
Values and verticality of being
Don't expect them to see each other
In what you preach
and in their actions they clash;
they copy.
There is a noticeable difference
 Between being and having,
a noble antonym
between colleague and friend
Buddy anyone has, This is having. Friend is different because it implies loving, And this is, of course, being, Above all, to be loyal,
to yourself and to others,
in depth. But you don't do that
They can corrupt,
they can not even avoid,
only by doing, cultivating and being,
but they can nevertheless help
in the process of ideals.
Let's not make them a herd
that was born for clones and
forget not to teach them to question.
The world needs its whys,
as many as the answers,
and it will be in the collision
of vertigo and curiosity
that one learns to live
and so many times to understand
that to be a person, to be human
is to put on the shoes of the other,
Be sensitive and empathetic
It has nothing to do with age but with understanding that We're all the same And don't forget To show them What are the consequences of their acts that will Set your aurora
As well as your twilight That every ideal lacks of scruples Because there are those who believe That anything goes - Abject and limiting means - to achieve its ends And explain to them, along with that That humanity is the collective
And what individuality is the spark,
the drop, the difference
that will make each being a spark,
one more star in the world!


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