Matza Di Lourde


Roller coaster of your body

It's a kiss with all your teeth

Like we're tearing it off

the improbability of ending

that we know is coming,

that we guessed fulfilled

Sooner or later, of your tantra love

But as long as the fires burn

And tongues lick the wort

We will not excuse ourselves from

That same intensity

of the scale of sensations,

In the rhythm and in the face

Storm of Sweet Breezes

There's a party that opens 

in your mouth, fireworks

Burst in between hugs

In the magic of de-memory

Molten Bodies in Rebirth

Scream the outside and the inside

Like parts of the same abyss

Of this roller coaster 

where we've seen each other 

and you're not leaving.

Chemistry, still, rampant

Open night stars and create

Resting on the birds 

and perpetuates nostalgia

Metaphorically adorned

by the poets of love,

that some live and others

refuse to understand,

Passion should be mandatory.


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