Alma Novaes


It is necessary to be,

or Lyrical Essay on the Present

It is necessary to take the reins after the derailment

And run away from those who promise everything

of those who build poems in the wind

Of those who sit on the benches

of houses and public buildings waiting for their turn to scream.

Peace dilutors, freedom threateners

castrating others, bureaucrats of tired democracy

and of all the flawed systems such as dictatorships, owners and masters

of demagoguery, fraud, pedophilia and world atrocities

It is necessary to use the brain to think and contest

It is necessary to put an end to the carneirismo and the conservatives of omens

It is necessary to put an end to the complacency of plasmas and soap operas

and to remove the leaders accommodated to power

it is necessary, as Manuel Alegre says, to say no but to emphasize it

and put an end to the vices of the systems

Use deeds and not stratagems

make use of lucidity and reason

extinguish the emblems of corporatism

contaminate the rewards of humility

It is necessary to call the dock

The executioners of our consented silence

The hoarders of our soul, the Prozac's

violators of thought, those responsible

by the transfiguration of reality,

dominators of the weakness of others

of others who are us,

Placebos of our misfortune

It is necessary to go out into the street and urge the truth

and to get out of the day the laissez faire to which we have become accustomed

It is necessary to stop the blood of a wounded vanity

of an identity towards the abyss, madness and nothingness.

It had to happen, to be many or to be more

but it was necessary, first of all, to have conscious nodes

and to be more and more people every day!


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